

The restaurant FRITZ's FRAU FRANZI stands for "Casual Fine Dining at it's best". Located in the state capital of Düsseldorf, it exudes metropolitan joie de vivre and has made a name for itself for its exceptional hospitality and open, communicative philosophy. Liveliness and lightness are perfectly reflected in the ambience and music. With no inhibitions and yet highly professional service and cuisine, the restaurant fits in with the urban flair of the city of Düsseldorf.

The philosophy of FRITZ's FRAU FRANZI restaurant is based on the unique combination of familiar German cuisine themes and innovative, contemporary interpretations. Our aim is to preserve the tradition and quality of German cuisine while offering new and exciting flavour experiences.

We place great importance on selecting high-quality ingredients and products that are carefully chosen and of the highest quality. Our head chef Tobias Rocholl is known for his creative approach to classic dishes and his ability to present them in a modern context.

For FRITZ's FRAU FRANZI, Tobias Rocholl has developed a creative kitchen concept with a focus on modern German cuisine that is actively forward-looking: classic butter is replaced by good fats and regional oils. The dishes are lactose-free and use alternative sweeteners. And the use of seasonal vegetables is crucial. Vegetarian and vegan dishes are a matter of course. Anything that makes it easier to enjoy is welcome.

Through our innovative culinary approach and our commitment to quality and freshness, we strive to create unique and memorable culinary experiences. FFF is more than just a restaurant - it is a place where tradition and modernity blend harmoniously to create a new dining culture for German cuisine. Visit us and let us convince you of our unique philosophy.